How to Write a Goodbye Letter to Addiction Banyan Heartland

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why its important to do a goodbye letter to alcohol and drugs

It’s been quite some time now since I left you and that grave; that was 5 years and some change ago. I still hate you; I still hate what you’ve done goodbye letter to alcohol to me and what you made me do to the people I loved. Get professional help from an online addiction and mental health counselor from BetterHelp.

Putting Down the Reasons to Achieve Sobriety in a Powerful Letter

You can begin to discover the hope and promise of successful, long-term recovery. To learn more or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our Contact Us page or call our center today. Goodbye letters require a person to be honest with themselves. Writing down your unfiltered and raw emotions may be difficult, prompting withholding only the parts you believe are likable. You should be proud of yourself for committing to your recovery journey and not frown upon it. What you consider good cannot exist without the not-so-good parts; both make you whole.

Writing a Goodbye Letter to Addiction: An Example

I fed you and let you win at every turn. For a long time, I felt like you made me lose everything. At the end of the day, it was me who lost all of that. Writing a goodbye letter to addiction was actually a good thing to help me move on. We all have our own ways of letting addiction go. Addiction wreaks havoc on your personal and professional life and eventually feels like it becomes a part of you.

Goodbye Letter to Addiction in Style

  • I know I’m better off not associating with you whatsoever going forward and I’m thankful I finally gained the courage to stand up to you and say NO.
  • It is understandable that the writer may be emotionally charged.
  • You can also write about the secondary problems that came about because of your substance abuse issues and why you want to change them.
  • You can begin to discover the hope and promise of successful, long-term recovery.
  • Now that I have so many years of recovery under my belt, I am accustomed to telling my story to others if it helps them choose to get the treatment they need.

Being mindful of thoughts, actions, emotions, and memories has been linked to lower stress and anxiety levels. The information on this website should not be taken as medical advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, a doctor-patient relationship. Please feel free to reach out to our team. We look forward to helping you have brighter, happier future.

  • I felt utterly defeated and I hated myself for letting things get so bad.
  • By the time I achieved recovery at Icarus in Albuquerque, I had engaged in drug abuse my entire life.
  • Through writing, you are also able to self introspect.

why its important to do a goodbye letter to alcohol and drugs

When I finished it, I felt a tremendous weight lifted from my shoulders. When you make the decision to get clean, you have to be one hundred percent comfortable with your decision. You have to realize that times will be tough whether you are clean or not. Drugs and alcohol are crutches that we fall back on when we don’t have the tools to deal with life’s challenges. Because of my time in recovery, I now have those tools at my disposal. As incredibly cruel as I was to my own family members during my drug abuse, I wasn’t cruel to you.

Building a Supportive Environment: Sharing Goodbye Letters

The government once thought illegal drugs had no medical use. Laws are quickly changing across the nation as researchers find medical uses for these drugs. Therapists say this tool is effective because it allows you to connect to your innermost thoughts and feelings that might not come out in talk therapy. Second, it is a way to process your experience with addiction in a way that allows you to also accept that it is a part of your past. Recognizing those failures wasn’t enough though, my denial ran much deeper.

why its important to do a goodbye letter to alcohol and drugs

why its important to do a goodbye letter to alcohol and drugs

But every day I will keep doing what I have to do to keep my obsession at bay — counseling, 12-step meetings, etc — so that I never have to see you again. And so that I can be there to help others who you might victimize. Without you, Addiction, I’m doing things I’ve never thought were possible. I have people that I love, and I know they love me back.

  • For me, writing a letter to my alcoholic daughter was more difficult than even looking at myself and saying goodbye to my own use.
  • Just knowing that you are reading our blog all the way to the end shows that you are almost ready.
  • For years now, you’ve been a constant presence in my life.
  • Describe how the addiction has been a part of your life.
  • Writing a goodbye letter to addiction was actually a good thing to help me move on.
  • You may be talking to your future self with this letter, so providing words of encouragement can be helpful.
  • But it isn’t anymore, and it does not have to be for you either.
  • Keeping it clean and simple is a good way to start your letter.

Step Five: Commitment to Change for the Better


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