Author: alexandre

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Bookkeeping 101: A Beginners Guide On Where To Start

  9.02.2021   alexandre   Bookkeeping   No comments

Though you may not work regularly with a tax specialist year-round, you’ll want to connect with one sooner rather than later so you’re not rushed come tax time. Cash basis

Inflacja w Polsce najwyższa od 25 lat Ostateczne dane okazały się nieco niższe od wstępnych

Ceny żywności i napojów bezalkoholowych wzrosły o 2,5 proc. Rok do roku, ceny paliw do prywatnych środków transportu urosły o 1,6 proc. Ulga przyszła w przypadku nośników energii odnotowały —

What are Notes Receivable? Examples and Step-by-Step Guide

  3.02.2021   alexandre   Bookkeeping   No comments

Prepaid expenses might include payments to insurance companies or contractors. The supply store will record a journal entry of $25,000 in the debit column of the general ledger for notes

What’s the difference between accountants and bookkeepers?

  20.01.2021   alexandre   Bookkeeping   No comments

Bookkeepers have been around as far back as 2600 BC—when records were tracked with a stylus on slabs of clay—making bookkeeping not the oldest profession, but pretty darn close. By

Mitigating the Risk of Duplicate Payments: A Step-by-Step Guide AI-Powered Automation

  18.01.2021   alexandre   Bookkeeping   No comments

However, this can be challenging to do, since many fraudsters leverage existing vendor and invoice data to create their scams. In fact, 58% of accounts payable teams were targeted via